Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Boss Man Approves

The big boss man as Tim prefers to be called (not really) finally took a look at the blog. I was a little nervous that he'd fire me for being a smart aleck. Not that I'd blame him, but he didn't do that because he's super awesome.

Took a look at the blog. I'll admit, I still think that blogs are pretty retarded on the whole, but it looks pretty good. Nice job. The twitter I'm still not so sure about. Not because you're not doing a good job, but because my IQ drops thirty points every time someone says the word "tweet." I'll see you at work.

So, uh, yay social media?

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Sorry for the brief hiatus, but I've always been of the mind that you shouldn't update a blog if nothing has changed. This is the first big change we've had. It's not really a change, more of an announcement.

You see, in addition to selling music stuff that few people want anymore we also sell pretty much an old technology that comes our way. That's why I'm happy to announce the newest addition to our family. A beautiful, beautiful gramophone.

If you're wondering, the house behind the gramophone is Tim's. While we were waiting to get it appraised he had to put it somewhere. Our store isn't that nice, but his house is.

What is important is that we had it appraised and they figure the value is around $250. However, for a limited time we're putting it on sale for a scant $175 for the next week only.

We've tried it out just to make sure that it works and the sound quality is amazing. So come check us out and take this beautiful, beautiful thing home with us.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Super Happy Employee Funtime

Here's our team. Some of them were comfortable with me using their real names, most of them were not. None of them were comfortable with me using their real picture, so you'll have to bare with me. The only thing all of them seem to have in common is that they all think this blog is a stupid idea.

Without further ado, our staff.

Name/Position: Tim, Owner, Operator

Bio: Tim was in real estate for ten years when one day he woke up, decided he hated it, and proceeded to get refinance his house so he could start up Jackboot
Turntables fifteen years ago.

Fun Fact: Even though he spends most of his time not smiling and disliking this blog, he's actually a super nice guy. Don't tell him I said that though. He has an image to keep up.

Name/Position: Adelina Malpica, Co-Owner/Marketing Manager

Bio: Adelina is, by far, the nicest person I have ever met. She helps operate the store with Tim and takes care of our PR stuff.  Be warned, don't ever play poker with her. She looks sweet, but she will clean you out.

Fun Fact: When she started here she didn't know anything about old, outdated novelty technological items, but now she owns not one but three laser disc players.

Name/Position: Jordan Morrison, General Manager

Bio: I do a lot of delegating and I'm recently been promoted to "Director of Social Media But You're Not Getting Paid Any More Than Before." So that's exciting.

Fun Fact: I didn't start the fire. It was always burn since the world's been turning.

Name/Position: Shi Geng, Sales Representative

Bio: Shi is a third year student at the University of Iowa. He is fantastic at English and also speaks Spanish and a little bit of Russian. He's majoring in Chinese and Spanish and wants to be a UN translator some day.

Fun Fact: Shi is far too talented to be working at Jackboot Turntables.
Name/Position: Jack, Sales Representative

Bio: Jack is a girl and loves it when you call attention to the fact that she does not have a girl's name. (Try it, I dare you.) When I asked for more bio information Jack told me to shove it. Jack is not nice.

Fun Fact: Jack once dented my car backing out in the parking lot. I promised I would never tell that story. I lied.

Name/Position: Frank (aka) The Deepness, Sales Representative

Bio: The Deepness got his nickname from a story I can't tell on an official store blog, even one as laid back as this.

Fun Fact: The Deepness sees all. The Deepness knows.

Name/Position: Kay, Sales Representative

Bio: A technophobe and late adopter, Kay has problems working her microwave sometimes. (Okay, only that one time.) However, if you want to get into a vinyl/mp3 debate with her you probably want to set aside a couple of hours.

Fun Fact: Kay is a nickname and when I threatened to put her real name up here she hit me with a whiffle bat.

Now that you know who we are, I hope the store seems like a fun place to come. We are fun people. Come be fun with us!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stalk us on the Twittnernet

So two main things.

1. So old Breakey (our snowplow) is back in operation and our Snowpocalypse Makeup Sale was a major success. Thanks for all of you that came out there. We love you lots.

2. I just realized that for as much as I've mentioned our Twitter account, I didn't actually list it. You can find us @jackbootmusic and if you're too lazy too look us up you can just click here.

You may notice that facebook is conspicuously absent from our attempts at internet fame. There's a long, complicated explanation for that, but the short answer is that I don't see anything facebook can do for our business that twitter or this blog can't.

However, I cannot control wild hoards of fans raving about us on their facebook walls and I certainly won't discourage that.

I'm going to be putting up a profile of our lovely employees just as soon as I get them all to agree, so all of you who are desperately watching this blog praying for updates are in luck. I will be back soon.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Closed Due to Impending Doom

First things first. We're closed until Monday due to a certain malfunctioning snowblower. Specifically, this one right here.
Yeah, that's right. This little bugger. Take a good long look. I don't even want to talk about the Sisyphean ordeal I went through with this thing, so I won't. The main point is that we're closed now and we won't be back until Monday.

Okay, to be fair to the snowblower (we've nicknamed him "Breakey") that's not quite the only reason we're closed. Tim lives out in the country and he's taking a few days to get his complex (as I like to call it) in working order again. Not to mention the fact that the none of us had our cars dug out enough to drive yesterday.  Anyway, once we're back up there will be 10 percent off sales on all merch that wasn't already marked down.

Come and find us. We're very lonely without you.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Welcome to Jackboot

It took me a good two years to convince him, but I finally did it. I finally convinced my boss to let me launch Jackboot Turntables into the 21st Century of electronic corporate whoredom a la Twitter and this blog. Maybe if I'm real good he'll even let me create a website, but Tim is a paranoid old man who does not trust the internet and will not even let me post a picture of the storefront. I keep telling him the worst that can happen is that someone could actually discover where we're located so we would have to interact with a customer, but he does not appreciate my sarcasm.

Now you might have questions like, "If you're a store that values the beauty of old technology why do you have a blog?" I'm glad you asked. There's a very simple answer to that question and it's called "shut up that's why."

Anyway, I've got a few pictures below of our store below. Take a look at the beautiful album stacking job that I took weeks on. We sell vinyl, CDs, 8-tracks, and cassette tapes. Our selection may be limited, but if you have a love for old outdated technology like we do than, in the words of the immortal Bob Barker, come on down!